Business Name | DBA | Business ID Number, Filing # | Registered Agent Name, Owner | Date Filed, License Issued, or Registered | Business Type (LLC, Corp, etc ) | Status | Prinicipal (Agent Owner) Mailing Address | Prinicipal (Agent Owner) Mailing City | Prinicipal (Agent Owner) Mailing State | Prinicipal (Agent Owner) Mailing Zip | Primary Business Office or Location | Primary Business Office or Location City | Primary Business Office or Location State | Primary Business Office or Location Zip | Registered office mailing address | Registered office mailing City | Registered office mailing State | Registered office mailing Zip | Officers (Names) | Officers (Titles) | Officers (Addresses) | Officers (City) | Officers (State) | Officers (Zip) | License Expiration Date | State of Origin | Business Entity Creation Date | nature of business (primary type) | Registered office physical address | Registered office physical City | Registered office physical State | Registered office physical Zip | Transaction Dates | Phone Number | Standing? | Primary NAICS | Termination Date | Modified | nature of business (secondary) | Secondary NAICS | Detail_Url |
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Description has been providing top-notch data aggregation services for almost two decades, utilizing our web scraping capabilities with 95% accuracy. We constantly checked our data through automatic procedures and human efforts to ensure timeliness. With 20 years of experience, we delivered business insights to our clients with 270+ data points, delivered in multiple formats such as CSV, JSON, MS Excel, and through REST APIs methods like FTP, API, AWS S3, E-mail, and others. We provide firmographic data to various industries, including financial services, credit reporting agencies, business consulting and services, information providers, data services companies, and marketing agencies. Here are some key insights on B2B firmographic data provided by Xtract: - We provide custom data scraping service of B2B firmographic data with tailored datasets, delivered within 2-4 weeks based on data volume and site complexity. - We have delivered around 130M+ B2B firmographic data across the globe which are analyzed comprehensively and are covered for various data types such as company data, contact data, filing data, etc. - The geographical coverage spans North America, Middle East Asia, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Africa. - The data provided for 30 countries includes these regions, with North America holding 86M+ records, 21 countries in Middle-East Asia holding 29M+ records, 2 countries in the Asia-Pacific region with 3M+ records, 5 countries in Africa with 4M+ records and Europe with 4M+ records. - It includes 270+ data points and accuracy is maintained at about 95%. - We refresh the data on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and on-demand basis to ensure its timeliness and relevance to your current decisions. - Automatic procedures and human efforts are employed to check the data for errors and duplications constantly, and regular checkups are conducted to ensure its correctness. Our Differentiators -We provide fresh data that is rich in content and high in quality. -Our data accuracy rate is 95%, and we regularly maintain it to ensure timeliness. -We deliver datasets in multiple formats as per your specific requirements. -Our datasets are constantly checked by automatic procedures and human efforts to eliminate errors and duplications.
Country Coverage
(28 countries)Data Categories
- Firmographic Data
- Business Listings Data
- Company Data
- B2B Contact Data
- Small Business Contact Data
One-off purchase |
Not available |
Monthly License |
Not available |
Yearly License |
Not available |
Usage-based |
Available |
- Million
- 130
- Data points
- 270
- Countries
- 30
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